Read on to learn what methods each creature uses to attack when they lack weapons, and which primate would survive such an interaction!

Comparing an Unarmed Human and a Gorilla

What Are Key Differences Between an Unarmed Human and a Gorilla?

The most pronounced differences between an unarmed human and a gorilla are related to strength, size, speed, offensive power, and predatory behavior. Gorillias, though typically shorter in stature, can weight up to 300 per cent more than humans. Incredibly strong in comparison to their human cousins, gorillas have the ability to lift 10 times their bodyweight, whereas humans can lift only the equivalent of their bodyweight with their arms, or 1.5 times that amount when performing squats. Achieving speeds of up to 25 miles per hour, for short distances, gorillas are much fast than their human counterparts, whose top speed is 8 mph. In terms of offensive power, humans are at a complete disadvantage, lacking the strength and unmitigated power of the gorilla. Humans, however, have the edge when factoring in predatory behavior, as gorillas are gentle giants who will only attack when feeling threatened or provoked. These differences will greatly impact the fight, but we need to get more information before we declare a winner.

Unarmed Human vs Gorilla: Size

The average gorilla is larger than a human being. Gorillas weigh between 220 and 440 pounds on average, and they can stand anywhere from 4 to 5.1 feet tall. Humans weigh about 130 to 199 pounds on average, and they stand between 5 feet 3 inches and 5 feet 9 inches on average. Gorillas have a size advantage in this fight.

Unarmed Human vs Gorilla: Speed

The fastest human being on record, reached a speed of 27.5 mph for a short distance, however, the average person cannot move nearly that quickly. Even the most physically fit humans top out at speeds of between 6.5 and 8 mph. Gorillas are much faster, reaching speeds of 25 mph using knucklewalking. They can reach their top speed quickly, too. Gorillas have a speed advantage over human beings.

Unarmed Human vs Gorilla: Defenses

The defenses of an unarmed human are no match for those of a gorilla. The human body is quite fragile, and barring any sort of weapon to fend of a larger assailant, humans must rely on their wits to elude a confrontation in which they would be risking life and limb. On the other hand, gorillas have larger bodies that are thick, muscled, and built for power. They can absorb blunt damage and continue fighting. Some gorillas have taken damage from spears, slashing blades, and even bullets, and have still been able to keep fighting. Gorillas have superior defenses compared to humans.

Unarmed Human vs Gorilla: Offensive Capabilities

An unarmed human is not helpless, but they’re not in a good position. The offensive power of human beings comes from their intellect and ability to make weapons. In this fight, they’re severely disadvantaged by their lack of access to weapons. Humans can punch, kick, and grapple. They can only bite with a force of between 120 and 160 PSI, and human teeth are too small and blunt to be a threat to a gorilla.   Compared to many animals, humans are not that strong, at least when considering strength relative to bodyweight. Though a physically fit human is capable of lifting the equivalent of their bodyweight, that is nothing compared to the strength of the gorilla. Gorillas are unfathomably strong, with some capable of lifting as much as 1,800 pounds. Their 1,300 PSI bite is practically 10 times stronger than a human’s, and their 2-inch fangs can rip apart flesh and puncture skulls. Gorillas have a significant offensive advantage in this battle!

Unarmed Human vs Gorilla: Predatory Behavior

Humans tend to attack using a variety of predatory methods. They will pursue prey until it’s too tired to fight back. They may also ambush their prey and try to kill it with a quick strike. Gorillas don’t have a prey drive since they are primarily herbivorous. They prefer to eat plants and some insects rather than hunt down animals. When they confront most new creatures, including humans, they’re more curious than anything else. Their capacity for terrifying attacks doesn’t come to the forefront unless the animal triggers it first.   Humans have an advantage in predatory behaviors.

Would an Unarmed Human Beat a Gorilla in a Fight?

No, an unarmed human being could not beat a gorilla in a fight. Simply put, gorillas are far too strong for human beings to overcome. If the human sees the gorilla first, the best the human could hope for is finding a nearby place to hide. When threatened, gorillas have viciously thrashed and mauled humans. They used a combination of beating, bites, and dragging in these attacks, one of which have resulted in death for the human. Gorillas are certainly capable of killing a human, and it would be a brutal, bloody affair. Not that it needs to be said, but if the opportunity ever presents itself, do not ever try to attack a gorilla or any other primate. Even the strongest human beings have no chance against these animals.  

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