We’re going to compare humans and crocodiles, size the two up against one another, and show you what would happen if they were to clash with each other.  

Comparing an Unarmed Human and a Crocodile

What Are the Key Differences Between an Unarmed Human and a Crocodile?

The major differences between an unarmed human and a crocodile are found in their morphology, size, and raw power. Humans are relatively weak primate-descended mammals that stand up to 5 feet 9 inches tall and weigh up to 199 pounds on average. They may lift their body weight with their arms and about one-and-a-half times their weight with their legs. Meanwhile, crocodiles are quadrupedal reptiles that can measure up to 23 feet long, weigh over 2,200 pounds, and have a tremendous amount of biting power despite lacking other forms of exertion with their short legs. These significant differences will decide how humans and crocodiles manage to fight one another. Still, we need more data before we say which animal is most likely to win this bout.

What Are the Key Factors in a Fight Between an Unarmed Human and a Crocodile?

The most significant factors in a battle between an unarmed human and a crocodile are size, defenses, and offensive powers. Those three elements will decide which creature survives. However, knowing the speed and predatory behaviors of these two combatants is also important. Using these five total data points, we can make an accurate determination about the winner of this battle!

Unarmed Human vs Crocodile: Size

Most crocodiles are far larger than human beings. The average human weighs between 130 and 199 pounds while standing between 5 feet 3 inches and 5 feet 9 inches. However, humans can get far larger than this in terms of weight and height. Meanwhile, crocodiles vary between 40 and 2,000 pounds while growing from 5 feet long to 23 feet long. Aside from the very smallest species, crocodiles regularly grow over 10 feet long and weigh more than 700 pounds. They only stand a few feet tall from the ground, though. Still, crocodiles have the size advantage in this battle.  

Unarmed Human vs Crocodile: Speed

Humans can be faster on land than crocodiles, but crocodiles are much faster in water. The average human being can run at speeds of 6.5 and 8 mph, but they can reach 27.5 mph during a full sprint. Meanwhile, crocodiles can move at speeds of about 3 to 5 mph on land, but they can’t maintain that speed for very long. Yet, crocodiles can swim at 15 to 18 mph over short distances. Humans can’t match those speeds. Humans have a speed advantage on land, but crocodiles have a speed advantage in the water.  

Unarmed Human vs Crocodile: Defenses

Crocodiles have a fair number of physical defenses. These include their size, the ability to blend in their environment, and thick, protective skin. They’re impossible to spot in the water and can be very hard to spot in certain conditions on land. Their large size scares off many animals if they do see them first. Humans are a little helpless in terms of defenses. Unarmed humans are especially vulnerable due to their thin skin and fragile bodies. However, humans do have the stamina to run for long distances, can climb trees in some cases, and have good senses to spot danger. Nevertheless, crocodiles have an advantage in terms of physical defenses.

Unarmed Human vs Crocodile: Offensive Capabilities

Humans are not particularly strong compared to other primates. The average person can only lift their body weight with their arms and squat 1.5 times their weight. Moreover, our bites are weak, and we have no natural weapons save for our fists, feet, and ability to grapple. Crocodiles are massive reptiles with powerful, deadly bites. In fact, they can bite with a force of 3,700 PSI, more than enough to break through bones. They don’t just bite and tear away flesh like a lion, though. Their teeth are meant for holding their prey while they perform a death roll, a spinning attack that shears off their prey’s flesh in large chunks. Crocodiles can perform a death roll on land and in the water, but it’s far deadlier in the water, where they can also disorient and drown their prey. Crocodiles have an advantage in terms of offensive capabilities.

Unarmed Human vs Crocodile: Predatory Behavior

Crocodiles are ambush predators in nature. They wait underwater for prey to get close to the water’s edge or to move into the water entirely. Crocodiles then use a short burst of speed and a deadly bite to severely injure their prey. Oftentimes, they’ll drag prey completely into the water to drown it while also delivering deadly bites. Humans are cursorial predators and ambush predators. Typically, humans try to take their prey with a single well-placed strike. When that fails, humans pursue their prey, weaken it, and finish it off. However, these techniques usually require some sort of weapons. Without weapons, humans can gather food or raise crops to survive. Crocodiles have superior predatory behaviors compared to unarmed humans.  

Who Would Win in a Fight Between an Unarmed Human and a Crocodile? 

A crocodile would win a fight against an unarmed human. Crocodiles regularly kill hundreds of human beings each year in their natural ranges, and that’s probably what would happen in this case. An average crocodile that weighs 700 pounds and measures over 10 feet long is going to be too powerful for a human to overcome. If the fight starts as an ambush from the water, the human is going to die immediately. Crocodiles frequently kill humans in this manner by attacking them, biting vital areas, and drowning them. If the fight were to happen on land, the human still has a nearly impossible fight. Without weapons, a human probably can’t do enough damage to a crocodile to kill it. Their scaly skin is too tough to bite, and punches and kicks are going to be met with vicious counterattacks. As grisly as it may be, the best bet for a human would be to try to get on top of the crocodile out of the water, attack its head, gouge its eyes, and try to do enough damage to knock it out. The chances of the fight going this way are practically none. In fact, the most likely outcome is that the crocodile manages to roll or wriggle free and starts chomping. Although it should go without saying, do not try to fight a crocodile unarmed. They are vicious animals that will easily beat a human in a fight.

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