These are just some of the many differences between these snakes. Here you’ll be able to read about the distinguishing features between copperhead vs black rat snake.

Comparing the Copperhead and Black Rat Snake

Key Differences Between a Copperhead and Black Rat Snake

The major differences between copperheads and black rat snakes are in their looks and their modes of attack and defense. Black rat snakes are bigger and heavier than copperheads.  Copperheads defend themselves with their venomous bites and musk, while black rat snakes are constrictors with musk, and are even known to bite on occasions. Below, we’ll look at five of the major differences between copperheads and black rat snakes in detail. 

Copperhead vs. Black Rat Snake: Snake Family

Black rat snakes, also called western rat snakes or pilot black snakes, are nonvenomous colubrid snakes known for their love of rats, which inspired their names. Copperheads, on the other hand, are pit vipers named for their copper (or orange-red) heads.

Copperhead vs. Black Rat Snake: Description

Copperheads and black rat snakes can easily be distinguished by their looks. As we mentioned previously, copperheads have copper or orange-red heads. They also grow to an average of 20-37 inches (1.7 -3.1 feet) which is very medium-sized, especially if you consider that black rat snakes grow to an average of 42 – 72 inches (3.5– 6.0 feet). Black rat snakes are also heavier than copperheads, weighing an average of 1.7 -2.2 pounds (27.2 – 35.2 ounces) compared to copperheads’ average of 0.2 – 0.7 pounds (3.2 – 11.2 ounces). Another major difference between the two species is their scales’ color. If it has light brown scales patterned with copper to reddish-brown hourglass-shaped markings, (bright-colored tail tips to lure prey indicate it’s a juvenile), it’s a copperhead. Black rat snakes are black and glossy with white lips, chins, and throats, but as juveniles, they are gray with brown blotches.

Copperhead vs. Black Rat Snake: Mode of Attack/ Defense

Another difference between black rat snakes and copperheads is their modes of attack and defense. Copperheads are venomous snakes that spray musk, while black rat snakes are constrictors that also spray musk and bite with their small sharp teeth. The lack of venom doesn’t stop rat snakes from biting, and their bites can be agonizing too. If a black rat snake has bitten you, treat it as an emergency as their bites contain bacteria that can affect wound. In addition, their sharp teeth could puncture a vein or artery. Unlike copperheads with venomous solenoglyphous fangs, black rat snakes have small and sharp rows of teeth. Black rat snakes are known constrictors, and due to their large and long build, they aren’t afraid to hunt and battle large prey. Lastly, these snakes also spray musk, especially if picked up. Copperheads primarily attack prey using venomous bites. Luckily, their hemotoxic venom is rarely fatal as they have a maximum yield of 85 mg and need 80-100mg to kill a person, but inject 26mg on average. These snakes also spray musk in addition to their painful bites.

Copperhead vs. Black Rat Snake: Hunting

One unique difference between these two snakes is in how they hunt. Lying in wait for prey to approach, before subduing it with its venomous fangs is the preferred method of the copperhead. Black rat snakes, on the other hand, are ambush hunters that sometimes bite their prey before constricting them. They wrap themselves around their prey, tightly suffocating them, and since blood cannot get to the brains, they die in seconds due to ischemia. After one kill, black rat snakes might not eat their prey immediately. Instead, they continue to hunt while cloaked in the dead animal’s scent, making it easier for them to hunt undetected. When they are done hunting, they make a meal from the various animals killed.

Copperhead vs. Black Rat Snake: Relationship With Humans 

Black rat snakes and copperheads have one major trait in common – like all snakes, they avoid humans. A true and unique piece of information is that snakes are just as wary of you as you are of them and do their best to avoid us. When black rat snakes feel or hear humans, they do their best to escape. However, if they are cornered, they are known to pull a nifty little trick; pretending to be venomous. They do this by frantically vibrating or shaking their tails, just like rattlesnakes. When humans or other animals see this, they easily assume that these snakes are rattlesnakes. Black rat snakes also freeze and curl up their tails if threatened. However, they do not back down when cornered and aggressively bite or spray musk if they feel the need to. Copperheads, however, are known to freeze when humans approach. They do this in an attempt to blend with the help of their scale color. They are often successful in blending in, causing people to step on or near them accidentally. Copperheads react violently to this by biting, but luckily for humans, their bites usually only cause repairable damage to tissue.