In this article, we will compare and contrast chia seeds and flax seeds so that you can fully understand the differences between them. We will describe their physical appearances, their culinary and medicinal uses, and even go over their nutritional information. Let’s get started and learn all about these seeds now!

Comparing Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds

Key Differences Between Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds

There are a number of key differences between chia seeds and flax seeds. For example, flax seeds are often yellow or brown in color, while chia seeds are available in black, white, or brown colors. In addition, flax seeds are larger than chia seeds. Given their tough outer shell, flax seeds are best consumed ground, while chia seeds are frequently consumed whole. Let’s go over all of these differences in more detail now.

Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Classification

Despite both of these seeds having a fantastic amount of health benefits per serving, they are from very different plants and plant families. For example, chia seeds are harvested from the chia plant, known as Salvia hispanica, while flax seeds are harvested from the flaxseed plant, also known as Linum usitatissimum.

Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Description

Despite their small sizes, it is fairly easy to tell the difference between chia seeds and flax seeds if you are looking at them side by side. For example, chia seeds come in black, white, or brown colors, while flax seeds are golden yellow or brown in color. Flax seeds are similar to apple seeds in both size and shape, while chia seeds are rounded and smaller overall. When it comes to their taste and textures, chia seeds are much crunchier and easier to consume raw compared to the chewy flax seed. The flax seed has a tougher outer shell compared to the chia seed, though both can be eaten raw. The flavor of the flax seed is fairly nutty, while chia seeds have a fairly nondescript flavor overall.

Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Uses

Chia seeds and flax seeds are frequently used in health food recipes and dietary choices. They are both packed with nutrition and vitamins, so it makes sense as to why they are so popular! You can use both chia seeds and flax seeds in smoothies, on salads, and in a number of culinary applications, though flax seed is best consumed ground compared to whole chia seeds. In addition to their tougher exterior, flax seeds don’t have any uses when it comes to thickening some dishes, while chia seeds do. In fact, chia seeds are widely used in vegan and gluten free baking and cooking in order to naturally thicken recipes and certain dishes, because of their ability to absorb moisture!

Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Nutrition Information

There’s no denying all of the potential health benefits that occur when you eat either flax seeds or chia seeds. However, flax seeds contain more omega 3’s and healthy fats compared to chia seeds. On the other hand, chia seeds contain more fiber and protein compared to flax seeds, making them a more universal choice when it comes to healthy eating.

Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Special Features

Both flax seeds and chia seeds may be popular nowadays for their health benefits, but did you know they were popular in ancient civilizations too? For example, Aztec and Mayan people recognized the benefits of chia seeds, while flax was one of the first crops ever planted in our human history. In fact, the scientific name for the flax plant directly translates from latin to “very useful”. This is because flax has so many other uses outside of nutrition and health, something you may not have known before now!

Up Next:

White vs. Black Chia Seeds: Is There a Difference?Basil Seeds vs. Chia Seeds: What’s The Difference?