We want to dive into the canine mind and help you better understand your pup, so let’s discuss whether or not dogs can sense evil in those they meet, and why they are such great judges of character.

Can A Dog Sense Things That We Cannot?

In order to believe that dogs can sense evil in new people they meet, we have to believe that dogs can pick up on things around them that humans cannot. This would mean that our canine companions are in tune with an unseen trait that we cannot see ourselves, whether this is body language, smell, or behaviors that indicate bad intent. While we cannot ask our dogs for their input on the topic, there is evidence supporting the fact that dogs can sniff out specific scents that you and I cannot smell ourselves. Dogs can be trained to search for explosives, illegal substances, specific diseases, and even approaching anxiety attacks. With this in mind, the idea that dogs can sense evil does not seem so far-fetched. Thankfully for those of us trying to answer this question, there are several studies to reference when it comes to a dog’s evil sensing ability. Let’s break down each of these studies in detail below, and hopefully help us get to the bottom of why dogs seem to be a good judge of character.

Can Dogs Sense Evil In People? What Science Says

We know that dogs can smell changes in the body that indicate disease, so can dogs sniff out details about a person’s character? There have been several studies that break down just how much our dogs understand about a human’s behavior and intentions, so let’s discuss them! The first study we will discuss is one that aimed to see if dogs can hold grudges against certain humans, or if they can recognize that a person is being mean to their owners. This study published in the Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews aimed to achieve this by asking owners to act out certain scenarios in front of their canine companions. One scenario involved having the dog owner struggle to open a container, and then asking nearby researchers to help them open it. They then had one researcher agree to help, while the other researcher would refuse to help. The results of this study showed that dogs were more likely to take a treat from the researcher that agreed to help their owner, while most refused to take a treat from the person who would not help. This may show that dogs know when someone is mean to their owner, and that they might even hold grudges against these people because of it. The next study is one that aimed to determine whether or not dogs can sense when people are stressed versus when they are calm. While feelings of being stressed will not equate to bad intent, it could help your dog spot someone that approaches you while they are currently tense, or their emotions are heightened. This study performed at Queen’s University started by first collecting a control sample of sweat and breath from each human participant in the study. Once they collected the control samples, they then asked the participants to engage in stressful mental tasks such as counting backwards from 9,000 in specific units. The results found that when the dogs were asked to choose the sample of the stressed individual, the dogs chose the correct one 93.8% of the time. There has been no specific study on whether or not dogs can sense evil in humans, as evil actions can be interpreted in different ways from person to person. However, based on the studies we discussed above, we can come to the conclusion that dogs notice when other people are not being kind to those they love. We’ve learned that dogs can also pick up on scents that come along with heightened stress or fear, so they might be able to spot those who approach their owners with bad intentions. With these details in mind, it’s safe to say that your dog certainly could be a great judge of character, and they might even know when someone has evil intentions. The definition of evil can very from person to person, but if we trust our dog’s judgment, then it is worth taking note when they do not like someone.

Signs That Your Dog Is Uncomfortable Around Someone

Now that we’ve discussed a dog’s ability to scope out those around them, we should now list a few of the most common signs of a dog that is uncomfortable around a new person. This could be due to the fact that they are simply nervous around new people that they have not gotten used to, or it could mean they are sensing something that you and I cannot. Some of the most common signs of a dog that is uncomfortable around someone includes:

Whining when the person is aroundBarking at the new personTrembling in the person’s presenceGrowling at the new personTrying to hide behind you or other nearby structures when this person is aroundRefusing to engage with the new personInability to warm up to a person no matter how many times they have been around themDisplaying signs of aggression such as bearing teeth, staring intently, tense posture, and lungingBecoming protective of you when this person is around

It’s important to keep in mind that these behaviors from your dog do not automatically mean that the person they are reacting to is bad. Your dog could simply be nervous around new people, or this person could even have a characteristic that makes them uneasy. Some dogs simply have a hard time trusting new people, and this does not mean that everyone they react unfavorable to has bad intentions. For example, many dogs will be uneasy around people that are much larger than their owners, are wearing loud or clunky clothing or jewelry, and even those wearing overpowering fragrances. Some dogs even have anxiety around new people due to previous abuse or fearful experiences, and this can make it hard for them to trust anyone. It’s up to you to try to understand your dog and their potential anxieties around this new person, and to then assess what this reaction means to you. These behaviors do not automatically mean your dog is sensing evil or bad intent, but we do encourage you to dig deeper into the situation and take your dog’s reaction into consideration.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is no concrete answer on whether or not dogs can sense evil. We do know that dogs can acknowledge when people are being mean to their owners, and they can even detect subtle changes in body language and scent. With both of these factors combined, we think it’s safe to say that dogs can certainly be a good judge of character in many situations. If you know your dog well and trust their gut instincts, then it might be best to listen to your pup and keep your guard up when they appear uneasy around certain people!

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