This virus has changed the world we live in, in many ways. While it is extremely contagious in humans, what about our pets? If you’ve been wondering if your dog is susceptible to getting Covid-19, then keep reading.

Can Dogs Get Covid-19?

Dogs can contract Covid-19. Scientists report that different dogs have tested positive for this virus. The Covid-19 virus is more likely to spread from humans to dogs than from dogs to humans. However, because of their lower viral loads, infected dogs produce fewer viruses than infected humans. Moreover, they are likely to shed the virus for a limited period, making transmission difficult. The Covid-19 virus can be spread through direct contact with contaminated surfaces. Dogs typically contract it by inhaling fecal materials from other dogs or environmental sources such as bedding or food dishes.

Symptoms of Covid-19 in Dogs

The canine coronavirus is one of the most common viruses in dogs. However, it has been found in many animals, including cats and humans. Besides respiratory infections, the virus can also cause mild symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract. It is spread through direct contact with infected animals or their nasal secretions. Its symptoms include:


Fever is one of the most common symptoms of canine coronavirus and can occur any time during infection, but usually within the first week. If your dog has a fever, it will be over 103 °F. The fever may last anywhere from one to three days. The following signs will appear in your dog if it has a fever:

Increased heart rateIncreased respiratory rateIncreased rectal temperature (normal is 103 °F to 105 °F)


Coughing is another common symptom of Covid-19 in dogs. It can be dry or wet and may produce phlegm (a substance that looks like mucus). Coughing is often worse at night or when the dog has been resting for a while.  In some dogs, coughing is caused by excitement or fear, whereas others don’t cough at all. It’s important to note that if a dog has been coughing for more than one week, it could be something serious like heart disease or cancer instead of Covid-19. It is also very indispensable to check with your vet, as coughing could be a sign of kennel cough.

Difficulty Breathing

Dogs with Covid-19 often have difficulty breathing, which causes a short, complex breathing pattern and rapid panting.  In severe cases, dogs will exhibit a “strangling” sound when breathing in air through their mouths or nostrils because their trachea is narrowed by swelling in the trachea walls. The strangling sound is caused by fluid accumulating in the trachea walls, making it difficult for air to pass through them.


The sluggish behavior of your dog can be due to many things, but Covid-19 can also cause these symptoms. Lethargy refers to an overall lack of energy and motivation in your pet.  It is different from being sleepy because lethargy means your dog lacks interest in playing or doing anything physical despite being well-rested. Lethargy is one of the most commonly reported signs of the canine influenza virus and many other viral infections.

What Do You Do if Your Dog Has Covid-19?

If you suspect your dog has Covid-19, take it to the vet as soon as possible. The vet will do a physical exam and take blood and nasal secretions samples.  The vet will also give your dog a thorough physical examination and listen to its lungs with a stethoscope to see if it has any signs of pneumonia. Finally, your vet will likely recommend some tests to confirm the diagnosis of Covid-19. You must follow your vet’s instructions if your dog has tested positive for Covid-19. They may include:

Wear gloves when handling your petWash your hands after touching your petAvoid contact with other dogs and peopleDon’t kiss or snuggle with your dogDon’t share food or water bowls with your petQuarantine the dog for at least 45 days and follow up with a vet during this time

How Do You Protect Your Dogs From Covid-19?

Puppies and kittens are more susceptible to Covid-19 than adult animals. This is because they haven’t had time to build antibodies against it, so they’re more vulnerable. The virus attacks the immune system and can cause severe illness or even death. The virus is easily spread from dog to dog through urine or feces. It can live for months on surfaces like floors, walls, and kennel runs. Dogs can also get infected by drinking contaminated water or eating infected meat. The best way to protect your pet from Covid-19 is to take these steps:

Wear a Mask if You’re Infected

If you have Covid-19, wear a face mask when in contact with your dog. This will prevent the virus from spreading to the dog. Also, wash your hands after touching your pet, and avoid kissing or cuddling your dog.

Avoid Contact With Your Dog

Stay away from your dog if you are ill. Let someone else look after the dog, but don’t touch or kiss it if this isn’t possible. Also, avoid direct contact with bodily secretions such as urine and saliva.

Disinfect Surfaces Used by the Dogs

For example, wipe their water bowl with disinfected wipes, and sanitize their food bowls. Moreover, disinfect their sleeping area. You can do this by using an antibacterial cleaner or bleach. Also, clean any toys that they play with regularly.

Wipe Your Dogs’ Fur Using Disinfected Wipes

This will help keep them clean and prevent germs from getting into their fur and skin. If they have any cuts or wounds, mark those areas covered with bandages until they heal completely so that nothing gets inside them.

How To Keep Your Dog Healthy

A healthy dog is a happy dog! But how do you know if your dog is in good health? The following are essential steps to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

Proper Nutrition

Feeding your dog high-quality food is the best way to ensure your dog gets the proper nutrition. Look for foods that are specifically formulated for large-breed dogs and contain the following ingredients:


Meat should be the first ingredient on the list and should not be followed by any other animal products (such as chicken meal or lamb meal). Meat contains valuable nutrients, such as protein and fat, that help supports your dog’s immune system and keep its skin, coat, and joints healthy.


Fresh vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants — all of which help protect against disease. In addition, feeding your dog a handful of fresh vegetables once or twice a week can help with digestion and improve its breath.


Whole grains are essential to your dog’s diet because they provide carbohydrates, which are converted into glucose (a type of sugar) for energy production in the body. Grains also offer fiber, which helps maintain bowel health by preventing constipation and diarrhea. However, dogs don’t digest the fiber found in whole grains. Instead, it passes through their digestive tract undigested, so it can add bulk to fecal material.

Regular Checkups

Your veterinarian can help you ensure that your dog gets all the necessary vaccinations for its age, breed type, and any other medications that might be necessary to keep it healthy. Veterinarians also can perform tests on urine samples or blood tests to check for chronic conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease before they become severe enough to affect your pet’s quality of life.


Grooming is a vital part of keeping your dog healthy. It helps keep the coat clean and prevents matting, which can lead to skin irritation.  If you have a long-haired dog, brush its coat daily. Brushing once or twice a week should be sufficient if you have a short-haired dog. You will also need to check for ticks and fleas on your pet regularly. Cleaning its ears and trimming its nails are also essential, as it helps to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Regular Exercise

Keeping your dog healthy and fit is essential. Exercise can help keep your dog active, happy, and healthy. It can also help prevent dogs’ most common health problems. Exercise helps keep your dog’s weight under control, allowing for overall health. Unfortunately, many fat or overweight dogs have joint problems and other health issues that can lead to arthritis or other painful conditions later in life. Exercise also helps to maintain strong muscles and bones, which may help prevent or treat hip dysplasia and other bone diseases. If your dog is overweight, it will also help it lose weight safely and effectively without causing harm to its joints or making it more prone to injuries during exercise or play time with you. Always supervise your dog when exercising to ensure it doesn’t overdo it or get injured doing something it shouldn’t be doing (such as running too hard on slippery surfaces).

Preventative Medications

How often you need to give your dog medication depends on what it is. Some, such as heartworm pills or flea preventives, are offered monthly. Others, such as antibiotics, may be needed every week or two. And some drugs require multiple daily doses in different locations (such as the shoulder and the neck). You need to know how often your pet needs to take its medication to get the proper amount of treatment.  Many drugs come in tablets or capsules that dissolve quickly in your pet’s stomach and can be swallowed whole. Others come in liquid form that you mix with food or water. Still, others come as injections that require special equipment to administer.

Bottom Line

It’s safe to say that dogs can get Covid-19, but they’re not likely to catch it from a human. The only reliable way to prevent your dog from getting the illness is by keeping it away from other animals, especially when they’re sick.  To put things in perspective, why risk your pet’s health just for the sake of an animal lover? It may sound cold, but your dog will be much safer and happier if you keep it away from other animals or deny it the opportunity to roam around neighborhood parks where anyone can let their dogs off their leash.

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