Read on to learn more about dogs’ responses to Twizzlers and everything to know before giving into your begging pooch’s puppy-dog eyes.

Can Dogs Eat Twizzlers? 

Dogs aren’t specifically interested in Twizzlers; rather, they have a strong affinity for high-sugar content foods and will eagerly devour anything that satisfies their sweet tooth. Technically, there are no documented instances of dogs having an immediate adverse reaction from eating Twizzlers. However, the high sugar content in a candy such as Twizzlers makes it understandably unhealthy for dogs and humans alike. The sweetener in Twizzlers is high fructose corn syrup, which is even sweeter than regular sugar but absorbs into our bloodstreams much faster. As such, regularly eating Twizzlers carries an even higher risk of your dog developing insulin resistance, diabetes, and even heart disease.  If your dog accidentally eats a small amount of Twizzlers, it’s not necessarily a cause for alarm. But it would be best if you didn’t habitually feed him pieces from a shared pack.

Can Dogs Eat Red Licorice?

Red licorice shares a visual appearance with Twizzlers but contains very different ingredients. While red licorice doesn’t have any actual flavor from the licorice plant – which is toxic for dogs in high doses – they’re still a highly sugary treat.  Licorice also contains high levels of wheat gluten, high-fructose corn syrup, and cane sugar. Long-term exposure to these ingredients can put your dog at risk of weight-related health issues like obesity, tooth decay and gum inflammation, and even pancreatitis.

Are Twizzlers Safe for Dogs?

Twizzlers aren’t inherently toxic to dogs, but they cannot be considered healthy. Twizzlers can potentially cause a wide variety of health issues in your pet. The high sugar content will more than likely upset your dog’s stomach, resulting in gastrointestinal problems ranging from mild nausea to unpleasant vomiting, bloat, and diarrhea. Over time, long-term consumption of Twizzlers can decay your pup’s tooth enamel and allow harmful bacteria to make their home in your dog’s mouth. This leads to bad breath, tooth decay, and gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums. Sugar is also a known inflammatory, leading to various health issues that can impact your dog’s quality of life. It’s important to be sure your dog is eating the very best for their diet. Finally, absolutely don’t feed your dog black licorice-flavored Twizzlers: these contain flavoring from the licorice plant, which can be highly toxic for dogs in large quantities. Black licorice contains glycyrrhizin, a compound known to increase blood pressure. Health authorities even caution humans from eating too much black licorice to prevent serious heart-related problems and arrhythmia. Call your vet immediately for medical advice if your dog gets into a bag of black Twizzlers.

Can Twizzlers kill dogs?

Offering your dog sporadic, tiny amounts of Twizzlers are unlikely to kill him. Be careful not to turn the gifts into a habit, or your dog can develop long-term health conditions that result from high sugar intake. Black licorice Twizzlers, if a whole pack is consumed and left untreated, can be lethal to your dog. It’s best to keep these candies entirely out of reach and to seal any trash bins that might contain their wrappers.

What Should I Do if my Dog has Eaten Twizzlers?

Try to determine precisely how many Twizzlers your dog ate and monitor him closely over the next two days. If your dog has only had a tiny amount and is acting normal, keep an eye on him for the next few days to check for unusual behavior. If it’s a large amount or your dog is experiencing severe symptoms of stomach issues or other highly unusual behaviors, call the vet or pet poison hotline for assistance.


A tiny helping of shiny red Twizzlers is unlikely to cause any serious or long-term issues for your pup, but we still don’t recommend it. It’s essential to be mindful of sharing the candies and to avoid making a habit of the act. Otherwise, your dog may develop severe, potentially life-threatening health conditions related to the over-consumption of sugar. And above all, make sure not to give your dog the toxic black licorice-flavored Twizzlers and to keep these candies out of sight and reach.

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Dogs aren’t specifically interested in Twizzlers; rather, they have a strong affinity for high-sugar content foods and will eagerly devour anything that satisfies their sweet tooth. Technically, there are no documented instances of dogs having an immediate adverse reaction from eating Twizzlers. However, the high sugar content in a candy such as Twizzlers makes it understandably unhealthy for dogs and humans alike. Can dogs eat red licorice? Red licorice shares a visual appearance with Twizzlers but contains very different ingredients. While red licorice doesn’t have any actual flavor from the licorice plant – which is toxic for dogs in high doses – they’re still a highly sugary treat.