Here, we’ll learn a little more about the basics of a good doggie diet. Then. we’ll examine spaghetti, pasta, and even instant noodles (like ramen) in more detail. Finally, we’ll find out whether or not pasta or instant noodles are good food for your dog. However, you should always consult with your vet if you have medical questions about your dog and its diet.

What Should Dogs Eat?

All dogs come from a common wolfy ancestor; they were domesticated somewhere in the last 30,000 years. Domesticated dogs are omnivores. This means that, unlike cats, which are obligate carnivores, dogs need more than meat to stay healthy. If you’ve ever looked in your dog’s mouth, you probably noticed that they have several different kinds of teeth—some for tearing, and some for crushing. This is because of this omnivorous diet, which should include meats and vegetables.  A well-rounded doggie diet should include a wide range of nutrients and proteins. Vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and celery, are all good for your dog. Meats such as turkey, beef, chicken, and pork provide excellent sources of protein. And, to supplement these foods, dogs can also have fruits like blueberries, apples, bananas, strawberries, and pineapple.  Before choosing what to feed your pup, be sure to consult your vet for recommendations.

Can Your Dog Eat Spaghetti?

Now that we’ve learned a little more about dog diet, we can answer the big question: can dogs eat pasta? We’ll start with spaghetti. Perhaps the best well-known of all Italian pasta, spaghetti noodles are the long, thin, round noodles you typically enjoy with red sauce and meat (and maybe a little garlic bread on the side). Like most things we eat, our dogs love spaghetti noodles too. Dogs are certainly capable of eating a spaghetti noodle (there are many, many funny internet videos detailing this), but, should they? Spaghetti won’t hurt your dog; it’s not toxic to canines, or to cats for that matter. In fact, spaghetti doesn’t really do much for your dog other than provide carbohydrates. The only case in which spaghetti noodles may negatively impact your dog is if they have an allergy to wheat. Additionally, if your dog has a very sensitive stomach, it’s probably best to hold back on the noodles.

What About Other Pasta?

Spaghetti noodles aren’t the only pasta enjoyed worldwide. There are also macaroni elbows, linguine, fettuccine, buccacine, bowtie pasta, ravioli, tortellini, and more. For the majority of these, the same answer pervades: yes, dogs can eat pasta. However, in the case of tortellini and ravioli, the filling is likely not good for your pup and should be avoided.  Once again: dogs can eat pasta, but it should not be fed to them on a regular basis, or as a staple in their diet. This is because pasta, as a carbohydrate, does nothing nutritionally for your dog. But, more on that later.

Can Dogs Eat Instant Noodles?

Just like dogs love pasta noodles, dogs love instant noodles too. These generally come in a wide variety of stovetop or microwavable noodles with seasoning packs. Like pasta noodles, the instant noodles themselves are generally benign when it comes to being safe for your dog to eat. However, the seasoning packs (and some instant noodles come with the seasoning directly on the noodles) are full of salt and spices. Salt and spices are not good for dogs. So, in general, it’s best to avoid sharing your instant noodles with your furry friend. 

Are Noodles Toxic to Dogs?

We’ve learned that, yes, dogs can eat pasta. But, should they? Pasta, and instant noodles, are not toxic to dogs in the same way raisins or chocolates are. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should give them to your pup on a regular basis. The big thing to remember here is that, while a plain noodle is fine once in a while, avoid feeding any sauce, or instant noodle broth, to your dog. And, if your pup has a sensitive stomach, avoid “people” food altogether. But, as always, it’s best to consult your vet if you have any questions about the safety of a certain food for your canine companion. This is particularly true if your dog seems to vomit or get diarrhea in concurrence with eating certain foods. 

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