Besides, there is no doubt about the benefits of cashews to you. But, what about your dog? Is it safe for your dog to eat cashews? Like many other human foods, cashews are not necessary for your dog’s balanced diet. But there are some rules you need to follow when feeding your dog cashews.  This article will discuss all you need to know about whether dogs can eat cashews safely.

Can Your Dog Eat Cashews Safely?

Yes, your dog can eat cashews safely. Cashews are one of the few nut varieties that your dog can eat. Unlike macadamia nuts which are toxic to your dog, cashews are safe. But you have to feed them to your dogs in moderation.  Dogs love tasty things, and the creamy nature of cashew nuts may cause them to beg for more. But it would help if you never gave your dog more than a moderate amount of cashews. 

Health Benefits of Cashews to Your Dog

Cashews contain many healthy fats, fiber, protein, and nutrients that benefit your dog. 


Antioxidants present in cashew help to protect your dog against cellular damage. They also help to fight infections and boost your dog’s immune system. Research has shown that cashews help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. 


Cashews contain vitamin K, which helps boost bone function in dogs. Vitamin K also helps with blood coagulation. So your dog suffering from blood-related diseases will benefit from eating cashews. 

Healthy Fats

Cashews contain many healthy fats. Healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids help promote your dog’s fur and skin health. They can also help repair any damage to your dog’s skin and fur. The healthy fats present in cashews also reduce the risk of heart-related diseases in dogs. 


Magnesium present in cashews helps your dog absorb other vitamins. It also aids the function of your dog’s teeth, bones, and eyes. Calcium aids healthy bones and teeth in your dog. It also helps with nerve impulse transmission. Copper aids brain development and energy production. 

Fiber and Protein

Cashew contains a high amount of fiber and protein. The high levels of these nutrients will help your dog feel less hungry and more satisfied. Cashews also have low levels of sugar, which can help protect them against diabetes. 

Are Cashews Safe For Your Dog?

Cashews are safe for your dog to eat. But it’s important that you never fed them to your canine in excess. It would help if you didn’t also feed your dog salted or seasoned cashews. Salted cashews contain too much sodium, which can cause dehydration in your dog. Seasoned cashews can contain pepper and garlic. These ingredients might not harm you, but they are dangerous to your dog. 

Side Effects Associated With Feeding Your Dog Cashews

Every snack not part of a dog’s main diet should be fed in moderate quantities. But your dog can suffer some health issues if it eats excess cashews. When your dog shows signs of the following side effects, you need to visit the vet immediately. 

Weight Gain

Obesity is a common health issue in dogs. Cashews contain a high amount of fat. Thus, feeding your dog excess cashews will increase its risk of obesity. You should avoid feeding cashews to your dog if it tends to get obese. Also, if you want your chubby dog to lose weight, do not feed it cashews. 


Pancreatitis occurs when there is inflammation in the pancreas of your dog. The pancreas helps to convert fat to energy. A fatty meal can make your dog’s pancreas inflamed because it can’t convert the excess fat. Pancreatitis can become dangerous in dogs if it is not treated on time.  Symptoms of pancreatitis include lethargy and abdominal pain.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Meals high in fat are too complex for dogs to digest. Thus, feeding your dog excess cashews can lead to gastrointestinal tract diseases. You can notice issues like diarrhea and vomiting when your dog overeats cashews. You need to watch your dog and ensure it doesn’t consume more than the required amount of cashews. 

Can Your Dog Be Allergic To Cashews?

Like humans,  your dog can be allergic to cashews. Nut allergies are infrequent in dogs, but they can happen. Be careful to watch out for allergies when feeding your dog cashews. Signs of an allergic reaction include:


Whenever you’re feeding your dog a new food, you have to introduce it slowly. Dogs digest food differently from humans, so you have to watch for signs of distress when feeding your dog new human food. When you notice your dog showing symptoms of an allergic reaction, visit the vet.

Can Your Dog Eat Cashew Milk Or Butter

Since your dog can eat cashews, you might be wondering if they can eat cashew milk or butter. The answer is yes; your dog can eat cashew milk or butter. But just like with cashews, your dog has to eat them in moderation.  Similarly, you must also check the ingredients used in making the cashew milk or butter. Ensure that they don’t have any additives that can be toxic to your dog. Do not feed your dog sweetened cashew milk or butter. These products might contain xylitol, a sugar alcohol that is extremely toxic to dogs. 

Feeding Your Dog Cashews

Be careful when feeding your dog cashews. They are generally safe for your dog to eat, as long as you feed them in small quantities. Also, you need to check for mold on the cashews before feeding them to your dog. Molds contain aflatoxin, a toxic substance that can cause gastrointestinal issues in your dog. Furthermore, stick to packaged roasted or raw nuts that you can buy from the store. Ensure that the cashew you’re feeding your dog doesn’t contain shell fragments or shells. Cashew shells contain a toxic substance that is harmful to dogs called anacardic acid.  Your ultimate rule as a dog owner is to give your dog 90% vet-approved dog food and 10% healthy dog treats. Cashews can serve as treats for your dog, but they should always be given in moderation. Puppies and smaller dog breeds should also eat cashews in small quantities. 

Nuts That Can Be Dangerous To Your Dog

While cashews are relatively safe for your dog to eat, some other nuts can jeopardize your dog’s health. Ensure that your dog stays away from nuts like:

AlmondsPistachiosMacadamia nutsWalnuts

In Summary

Your dog can eat cashews safely, as long as they are not salted, seasoned, or mixed with other nuts. You also have to feed your dog cashews in moderation. Whenever you introduce a new food to your dog, start with small amounts. Then you can introduce it in larger amounts when you determine that your dog is not allergic to the food.  Moreover, cashews are not the healthiest snack option for your dog. But feeding small quantities of cashews to your dog now and then will not harm it. Before you start feeding your dog cashews, ensure to consult your vet. This rule also applies to any new food you want to feed your dog.  Hopefully, this article has shed some light on whether your dog can eat cashews or not. If you have more questions about your dog eating cashews or feeding your dog cashews, ask your vet for advice.  In the interim, here are a few safe “human foods” that you can feed your dog as treats per the guidelines in each article:

AvocadosCantaloupesChicken and Rice PineapplesStrawberries