While bunnies are often called such because they are an adolescent rabbit, this article will discuss the average lifespan of a bunny as well as go over a rabbit’s life cycle from beginning to end. Let’s get started. 

How Long Do Bunnies Live?

Bunnies live an average of 2 to 8 years, depending on their domesticated status. For example, wild bunnies rarely live longer than a year or two based on predators in their local environment. However, pet bunnies can live a long and healthy life in a human’s care. With regular grooming, a healthy diet, and plenty of affection and exercise, your pet bunny can live to be almost a decade old. Some breeds of bunny may also be able to live beyond a decade, and some as many as 15 years.  But what is the bunny life cycle like? And how can you extend the life of your pet bunny, no matter the age, breed, or gender? Let’s dive In. 

The Average Bunny Life Cycle

While bunny is just another word for rabbit, this does not mean that their life cycle is any less unique or interesting. Here is what life is like for a bunny.


A mother bunny gives birth to her young after a gestation period of roughly 30 days. There are usually 5 to 10 baby bunnies per litter, and these infants are also known as kittens. Not to be confused with young cats, baby bunnies are known by this name as well. Baby bunnies are born without the use of any of their senses, including their sight and hearing. They are also born without any fur, so this makes the first few weeks of their life difficult. They rely entirely on their mother bunny and many babies don’t make it past their first week of life.  This is primarily due to predators in the wild as well as a lack of fur. While baby bunnies grow a nice fuzzy coat sooner rather than later, their first few weeks make life difficult as they can’t regulate their body temperature very easily without fur. 

Young Bunny

Young bunnies are curious and adorable little guys. They have the use of all of their senses and no longer need their mother for sustenance and nutrients. They usually reach this point of their lives at 3 to 6 months old. Young bunnies are also sexually active at this point in their life, capable of mating at an early age. If you are adopting a young bunny, you should consider spaying or neutering it when it reaches 2 months of age.  Spaying and neutering will help your young bunny with spraying and any aggressive behavior, usually exhibited by males. They will enjoy chewing on just about anything during this point in their life, as their teeth are growing non-stop. Corrective behavior may be necessary in the form of training and attention. 

Adult Bunnies

Bunnies are considered adults when they reach the age of 1 to 3 years old. This time is an active one, full of exploration, hopping around, and mischief. A young adult bunny should be watched closely, but for the most part they are entertaining and docile. Adult bunnies usually mellow out after three years old, and many bunnies in the wild will be lucky to make it to this age. Your pet bunny will continue to age well into the single-digit years, and they will become less active as they get older. 

How to Extend the Life of Your Pet Bunny

If you have recently adopted a pet bunny, you may be wondering how to extend the life of your new companion. While rabbits and bunnies in the wild don’t tend to live very long because of predators, you can extend the life of your pet bunny in the following ways:

Give them plenty of exercise. Bunnies are prone to gaining weight just like our household cats and dogs. Maintaining a healthy weight is key to a healthy bunny, and a long and happy life. You should feed your rabbit or bunny a balanced diet full of vegetables and hay as well. Paying strict attention to how much they eat is key, as rabbits will eat just about anything put in front of them. Make sure they have appropriate things to chew on. Bunnies may be cute, but they can also be destructive. Their teeth are constantly growing, which is why it is important to give them suitable things to chew on. Some of these things include wood and bunny approved toys. Giving them toys and treats to help them with this behavior will keep them from chewing on your valuable items or dangerous things, such as electrical cords. Find a veterinarian familiar with bunnies. While most vets will use their best judgment when it comes to bunnies, you should find someone who’s familiar with their care and health. Taking your bunny to routine vet appointments may not be ideal for every household. But if you want your bunny to live a long and happy life, you should consider taking them to a veterinarian that knows exactly what they need at every stage of their life. Consider a vet familiar with farm animals or exotic animals over your standard city vet.