Bears, Deer and Coyotes

At the start of Wendy’s footage, we see a large bear casually strolling towards the camera. Then, we see some coyotes taking a good, long drink from her water feature. They are followed by a group of deer that take advantage of two water features and nibble on some grass whilst they are there. Just when it seems all clear, the bear returns! This time they have a drink as well. The montage of clips includes daytime and night time footage and a staggering array of wild animals. The attraction is clearly the water features in the garden. They are providing a constant supply of clean water for these animals so you can’t blame them for helping themselves!

Coyotes in Your Garden

Whilst some people would be honored to find some coyotes in their garden, others would be a little worried. So, what do we know about these wonderful creatures? Coyotes are found in many areas of Central and North America. They are sometimes called prairie wolf or a brush wolf. In North American folklore, they have an ancient connection with craftiness and deceit and this has given them an image problem that persists to the modern day. Their scientific name is Canis latrans which translates into barker or barking dog and they occupy the same genus as wolves and domestic dogs. If you glance at them quickly, you could be forgiven for mistaking them for a German Shepherd. They like to live in family packs with dominance hierarchies but their social structures are very fluid – some live in pairs and some like to hunt alone. These are very intelligent and resourceful animals who have an omnivorous diet. Most of the time, they eat smaller rodents such as rabbits, mice and squirrels. This is supplemented by fruits and vegetables. However, they will also tackle a deer if they have to and this could have led to some nasty confrontations at this local ‘watering hole’!

Next up:

Watch Adorable Baby Pandas Tumble Down Their Slide Watch the Moment This Octopus First Meets a Teddy Bear Watch an Impossibly Rare Coyote and Bobcat Sighting at Once