This video is pretty wild, and it’s all the more strange because it takes place in a river filmed by someone riding in a kayak. We tend to think of sharks as predators that dart through the ocean, making their way into deep waters where they have room to roam. Australian rivers, though, along with many other warm rivers worldwide, are home to bull sharks. Bull sharks are some of the most persistent, aggressive, and adaptable sharks in the world. Let’s learn a little more about these terrifyingly admirable creatures before we get to the video.

What’s So Special About Bull Sharks?

Have you ever heard the rumblings about sharks swimming upriver all the way to the Midwest? Well, those rumors are true. Bull sharks have been identified as far north as Illinois, swimming up the Mississippi river to get there. There’s no reason that a bull shark couldn’t make it further upstream, either. So long as it’s warm enough, the shark might be able to make it northward into Minnesota. They can do this because bull sharks are able to survive in saltwater and freshwater environments. They make a habit of creeping through estuaries and tributaries in search of prey. Fortunately, they’re pretty small as far as sharks go… Just kidding! Bull sharks can approach upwards of 1,000 pounds and stretch 10 feet long in extreme instances. Plus, these sharks are present almost anywhere you could plant your finger around the equator of a globe. They’re extremely effective and adaptable predators, which is why we can find them in Illinois as well as in Australian rivers.

What’s Happening in The Video?

This video might need a small amount of context because it’s not immediately clear what’s going on. This man is fishing the river on his kayak, strapped with a heavy-duty fishing line. The creator, Luke, belongs to a group called ‘The Brisbane River Boys’ and he’s an experienced fisherman in his part of the world. He waits a moment before hooking something massive, and he’s pretty excited. Whatever’s on the other end of the line is so strong that it’s pulling his kayak and putting up a big fight. Suddenly, the line goes limp as though it had snapped or the fish fell off the hook. There’s still a lot of weight on the line, though. So, Luke pulls up to the end of his line, reels it in, and finds a small bull shark dead, still hooked. The crazy thing is, there’s a massive bite taken out of the tail end of the shark on his line. That means that a large bull shark attacked the small bull shark as Luke was reeling it in. Maybe think twice before swimming in the river next time you find yourself in Australia! Here’s the video:

Want to Know More About Sharks?

Discover the Largest Bull Shark Ever RecordedBull Shark Location: Where Do Bull Sharks Live?Are Bull Sharks Dangerous Or Aggressive?Bull Shark Predators: What Eats a Bull Shark?