In this article, we will go over some plants that correspond well to your astrological sign in case you are interested in growing flowers or vegetables that empower you in this way. We’ll also give you some plants that are best planted or harvested during the time of year that you were born! Let’s get started and talk all about astrological gardening now.

Aries (March 21-April 19): Anemones, Honeysuckle, and Basil

No matter where you live, the end of March and the beginning of April is often hailed as the start of spring. If you’re an Aries, you know that this time of year is special for a number of reasons. The earth is just beginning to warm up, empowering all fire signs, but especially Aries, the passionate child of the zodiac.  If you’re an Aries, planting vibrant flowers in orange and red shades will enhance your backyard or garden. Anemones and honeysuckle are great choices for Aries, with both of these flowers blooming in full sunshine. Basil is also an empowering herb for Aries, best planted in early spring and left to enjoy until the end of fall.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Blackberries, Heather, and Lilacs

Tauruses understand elegance, but they are also notoriously stubborn. This is why a Taurean astrological garden should be full of hardy plants as well as subtle luxuries. Lilacs typically bloom during Taurus season, producing fragrant blossoms that only last for a couple of weeks out of the entire year. This ephemeral quality aligns well with a Taurus’s sense of elegance and impermanence.  Once all of your lilacs have wilted, planting blackberries and heather shrubs brings a sense of stability and practicality to any garden. Know that blackberries are prolific spreaders and need to be controlled, and heather plants are often considered an invasive species depending on where you live. No matter what, Taurus season is a great time of year for getting your garden ready for summer! 

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Snapdragons, Lavender, and Peppermint

Not only are Geminis deeply creative and unique, but they also understand how to coexist with other signs well. A Gemini garden is a garden in full swing, with plenty of flowers, vegetables, and herbs that play well with others. One such herb is peppermint, or any variety of mint for that matter. Mint plants bring pollinators to a garden as well as an aroma that anyone loves. Besides a chaotic mix of thriving veggies, Geminis will enjoy seeing snapdragons in a variety of colors. Lavender also meshes well with Gemini, given its fragrance and drought tolerance. There is a mysticism to Geminis that often brings the supernatural into their lives; any hedgewitch Geminis will appreciate the magical properties of growing lavender in their own backyard!

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Dill, Daisies, and Lemon Balm

Incredibly reliable and homey, Cancer season brings plenty of garden staples to life. June and July are prime harvest and planting times for summer and fall gardens, and the active Cancer knows best how to transition during this time. Daisies come in so many different varieties, colors, and sizes, and they thrive during this time of year. Seeing daisies in a Cancer astrological garden is likely a reminder of this sign’s cheery and reliable nature. Herbs are a great choice to grow during this time of year as well, with dill thriving in full sunshine. Lemon balm is also widely associated with Cancers for its healing and calming origins. Bees and other pollinators also love lemon balm, making it a great companion herb for a garden in full swing.

Leo (July 23-August 22): Sunflowers, Raspberries, and Chamomile

Leo season means that a thriving summer garden is likely starting to wind down. This is a great time of year to start harvesting and enjoying some of the options that may not have been ready earlier in the year. Associated with the sun and all of its warmth, Leos are best harnessed in the eponymous sunflower, no matter the shape or size. Their large heads follow the sun, much like the average Leo!  Chamomile is also a fantastic plant to choose for a Leo’s astrological garden, equally cheery as some flowers. Their yellow centers are delightful to see as well as supposedly medicinally beneficial, given the calming effects of a chamomile tea. Finally, raspberries are harvested during this time of year and are associated with Leos for their bright red coloring.

Virgo (August 23-September 22): Hyacinths, Rosemary, and Fennel

Virgos are known for their attention to detail and care, likely leading to a late-season harvest in their garden. If you are a Virgo, you are likely attracted to the elegant simplicity of a hyacinth. You can find hyacinth bulbs in a number of colors, and these blooms grow best in early fall or early spring, depending on when you plant them.  The average Virgo is clean and neat as well, making rosemary an astringent herb that aligns well with this earth sign. This is also a mainstay herb that works well in many recipes and is difficult to kill, giving it a practicality any Virgo will appreciate. Finally, many Virgos have gut troubles, making fennel a great choice for combating this. Fennel is also typically harvested during this time of year.

Libra (September 23-October 22): Catnip, Passionflower, and Roses

It’s not a secret that aesthetics are key for any Libra to be happy. These signs are ruled by Venus, known for beauty and harmony. While Libras aren’t exactly born in the best season for planting anything new, you can make an aesthetic garden that appeals to just about any Libra during the rest of the year.  For example, there are a dizzying number of rose varieties out there in the world, with different sizes and colors. Libras are happy cultivating roses in their astrological garden as well as practical herbs, such as catnip. Finally, passionflower is also associated with Libras, given its ability to attract pollinators and bring more aesthetic beauty to any garden. Plus, passionflowers are so eye-catching that it only makes sense for the average Libra to want it in their garden! 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Ivy, Chrysanthemums, and Pumpkins

If you were born a Scorpio, this time of year is notorious for harvesting and the slow dying of a garden. Scorpios are associated with death and change, given that they are ruled by Pluto. Halloween also occurs during this time of year, and pumpkins are a perfect crop to consider planting if you are a Scorpio.  Chrysanthemums are another great choice to have in your astrological garden during this time of year, given their relative cold hardiness and iconic association with fall time. If you are looking for a plant that harnesses a Scorpio’s ability to outlast, any type of ivy planted in your garden should bring you this feeling. Make sure you limit your ivy to containers, so it doesn’t take over the rest of your garden! 

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Asters, Sage, and Daffodils

Knowledgeable and adventurous, there are a number of different plants to consider if you want to harness Sagittarian energy. Daffodils are often associated with Sagittarius placements, given their optimistic blooms and early blooming date. Planting daffodils during this time of year is also a great idea, as they will remain dormant until springtime. Named after the stars that Sagittarius signs are always looking toward, asters are a delightful addition to any garden. You can find asters in several colors and sizes, but they remain easy to care for, likely something that appeals to any Sagittarius. Finally, sage is an herb associated with the average Sagittarius, and it is a great mainstay and perennial herb for any astrological garden. 

Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Vervain, Thyme, and Jasmine

There is a delicate and practical nature to any Capricorn, leading to several mature and useful plants in their garden. While December and January are not ideal for planting anything new, this is a great time of year to prepare your springtime garden. There are even some varieties of Jasmine that are cold hardy down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, making this a plant often associated with Capricorns.  Thyme is a fantastic herb for a Capricorn to plant, as it has an earthy smell often associated with this earth sign. In addition, thyme also has several associations with cleanliness and culinary uses. Finally, vervain is a great plant to consider in a Capricorn astrological garden, as it is historically associated with calmness and dreams, something that every Capricorn needs reminding of now and then. 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Foxgloves, Irises, and Pitcher Plants

Being unique is integral to being an Aquarius. Crafting a garden that reflects this can be difficult, but one main way to accomplish this is by choosing exotic plants. Depending on your Hardiness Zone, growing pitcher plants outdoors is an eye-catching addition to any backyard landscaping. Aquarius signs are also known as the water bearers, making pitcher plants relevant.  Besides this, choosing a variety of wildflowers and other bulb flowers can help an Aquarius garden stand out. Irises will bloom shortly after Aquarius season ends, and you can find irises in just about any shape or color. Finally, foxgloves are unique in their appearance and can reach up to 6 feet tall. Note that foxgloves are poisonous to humans and animals, Aquarians! 

Pisces (February 19-March 20): Aloe Vera, Gardenias, and Parsley

A water sign with a lot of love to give, Pisces are the perfect herald of early spring. Most all flowers and crops are beginning to bloom during this time of year, which makes this a particularly fertile time. Parsley is a great herb to grow if you are a Pisces, as it is a great mainstay for several cuisines and culinary dishes.  Given that this is a water placement, aloe vera is often associated with Pisces. Historically, aloe vera is known for its healing properties and watery nature. Finally, gardenias are also associated with Pisces, given their gentle fragrance and ample water requirements. A Pisces astrological garden is equal parts elegance and healing, something that is easily crafted in the early springtime.

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