Can dogs eat chips too, or should we avoid giving them to our furry friends? Unfortunately, chips contain too much salt, fat, and carbohydrates for our dogs. They also offer little nutritional benefit, making them a poor treat. While one plain potato chip likely won’t hurt your dog, flavored chips can contain toxic ingredients. In this article, we’ll talk about the potential risk of potato chips for dogs, what to do if your dog eats chips, and more!

Are Chips Toxic to Dogs?

Chips aren’t always toxic to dogs, but they can contain toxic ingredients like garlic and onion. Just because many chips aren’t toxic, that doesn’t make them good for dogs to eat. Chips are full of salt and fat — both of which dogs need in their diet, but shouldn’t get in excessive amounts. Excess salt in the diet can cause excessive thirst. Potato chips might also make your dog sick, especially if they aren’t used to eating human foods. If your dog sneaks them, they might face symptoms like diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, and dehydration. In extreme cases of salt poisoning, dogs can experience muscle tremors, dizziness, seizures, coma, and even death. This is most likely to occur if your dog eats an extreme amount of chips and doesn’t have access to fresh water. It won’t happen from a dog eating one or two chips!

What do I do if my Dog Eats Chips?

If your dog snuck some crispy treats behind your back, read the ingredient label first. Search for toxic ingredients, like garlic or onion. If you spot these, call your nearest emergency vet clinic or the ASPCA animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435. Getting toxins out of your dog’s body as soon as possible is important to avoid major complications. I don’t recommend waiting for the side effects if you know your dog has eaten something poisonous. Getting them to the vet early can be life-saving. That said, eating chips without toxic ingredients most likely won’t harm your dog. Watch them for the next few days to make sure, and expect some stomach upset. They might vomit, feel stomach pain, or have bouts of diarrhea until the chips pass through their system. Give them plenty of water to combat the extra salt. If your dog ate a large amount of chips, such as a whole bag, watch for the signs of salt poisoning. These include muscle tremors, dizziness or lack of coordination, collapse, and seizures. Fatty foods like chips can also cause pancreatitis in dogs, which is potentially deadly—which is precisely why we shouldn’t feed our pups these treats. Symptoms of pancreatitis include:

Excessive thirstExcessive vomitingDiarrheaSevere stomach painLack of appetite or decreased appetite

Smaller dogs will be more likely to show symptoms after eating potato chips than larger dogs, and dogs who eat a whole bag of chips will have more symptoms than a dog who’s eaten one or two of them. If you’ve given your dog a single chip, or even if your child has passed it to them while cuddling on the couch, don’t worry about it! They’re very unlikely to have symptoms aside from mild stomach problems. However, if you notice more severe symptoms of salt poisoning, pancreatitis, or even an allergic reaction, call your veterinarian immediately. If symptoms are severe, rush to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic.

Can I Make Chips for my Dog?

If you want your dog to know what it is to crunch on a potato chip but without the health concerns, try baking some for them! Sweet potatoes are great for dogs and can be sliced thinly and then baked in the oven until crisp. I don’t recommend adding spices, as some are toxic to dogs, and salt is a no-go since that’s why we’re baking our own! Still, I bet your dog will enjoy them plain just fine. You can also dry out other fruits and veggies to make various types of chips for your pup. For instance, apple chips are a popular recipe you can find online. If you use apples, remove the pit and seeds, as these parts are toxic to dogs. They can eat every part of sweet potato, though! Lastly, avoid feeding your dog any kind of raw potato as they are toxic.

Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

Dogs can eat potatoes, including sweet potatoes. However, potatoes must be cooked as raw potatoes are toxic to dogs. This is because potatoes belong to the nightshade family and contain solanine. When cooked, the level of solanine in the potato decreases, making it safe for dogs to eat. As we’ve discussed above, how we cook potatoes is often unhealthy for dogs. Avoid seasoning, salt, and butter. Plain baked or boiled potatoes can be served as healthy chips, mashed, or cut into bite-sized pieces for your pup.

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