Dogs lick for lots of different reasons. It could be affection and communication or it can be a sign of boredom or even anxiety. It can also become obsessive and lead to medical and behavioral problems if not kept in check. Read on to find out everything you’ve ever wanted to know about dogs and licking.

Why Do Dogs Lick?

Licking is a perfectly normal and natural part of being a dog. Dogs lick themselves when grooming and Mom dogs lick their pups to keep them clean. It is also a way in which dogs form bonds with each other. We form a bond with our dogs by stroking them but dogs cannot stroke us back – their paws lack the fine motor skills to do that. So, they lick us to show affection and as a form of greeting. It is also a way for dogs to collect information about their environment. We may feel something with our hands but a dog would lick it to find out more about it. Dogs have a sense of taste that is different from ours. We have five times more taste buds than dogs but they can taste things that we can’t – including water! They also have an amazing sense of smell which is connected to their sense of taste so this may be another reason that they lick to find out things about the world. Our canine friends also have an extra organ called the Jacobson’s organ that they use to detect chemical messages. It is located between the nasal cavity and the roof of the mouth and when dogs are using it they lap which can be confused with licking.

Normal Reasons for Dog Licking

Now we know that for dogs, licking is perfectly normal – here are the main reasons that your dog is licking you.

They Love You!

Dogs may not be human but they are very capable of expressing some very human emotions and affection is one of them. It all starts when a Mom dog licks her pups and they learn that it feels good. When a dog licks or is licked, their bodies release hormones called dopamine and endorphins. These are the feel-good hormones that make them feel happy and relaxed. It’s similar to the calm sensation that we feel when we stroke a dog.

They Are Empathizing

Empathy has long been considered a uniquely human concept but research is increasingly showing that many dogs feel empathy towards humans when they are upset. In one particularly fascinating study, owners pretended to cry and their dogs were seen to nuzzle and lick them much more than they did when the owners were just humming or talking. This may be because dogs have learned that they get rewarded for being so ‘kind’ to their owners but it may also be genuine empathy.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Many aspects of dogs’ behavior are connected with securing their owner’s attention. Dogs do not like to be ignored! They soon find out that when they lick their owner they get a reaction. This could be a stroke or a tummy tickle. Either way, this is a great result if you are a dog and will definitely encourage you to carry on licking humans in the future!

Great Taste

Dogs tend to focus on licking certain parts of our body including our feet. This is probably because they like the taste and, as disgusting as it sounds to us, that is because feet are sweaty. Dogs love the taste of salt and other chemicals in human sweat. They lick our faces because there could be tiny food fragments left over from our last meal. Be careful if you have applied medicated cream to your skin because many of these are toxic for dogs.


Pups of wild dogs lick their mother’s lips to show that they are hungry and mother dogs are known to regurgitate partially digested food for the pups to eat. This behavior is retained by many dogs so your pooch may be trying to tell you that they are peckish.


It used to be thought that licking was a way in which dogs showed that they were dominant over another dog. However, these days experts think the exact opposite. Dogs often lick a dominant pack member. So, perhaps your pooch is simply acknowledging that you are the boss!

Worrying Reasons for Dogs Licking

Whilst licking is usually perfectly normal behavior in dogs, it can sometimes indicate that something is wrong. If your dog does not normally lick and suddenly starts licking a lot, it may need to be investigated. Here are some potential causes.


Licking is a soothing activity for dogs. They do it to calm themselves when they are feeling anxious and stressed. So, you need to consider whether your dog is licking you a lot because they are feeling anxious. Anxiety in dogs has many causes so it can take some time to work out what is going on. It could be a house move, the introduction of a new pet, or separation anxiety. It will help if you speak to your vet or an animal behavior expert to get some help in pinpointing the cause of the anxiety.


Some dogs also lick to relieve boredom. It gives them something to do! It is never a good idea to have a bored dog because it can soon turn onto destructive behaviors. Make sure that you are providing plenty of stimulation for your dog’s mind and body. Play some fetch games and invest in some interactive toys for when you are not able to entertain them yourself.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is rare in dogs but it can happen. It often starts off as anxiety but evolves into a more serious and long-term condition. The licking becomes obsessive and can be directed at other objects as well as people. It can get so bad that dogs develop sores on their tongues and obviously this sort of behavior is also very stressful for their owners. You may need an animal behaviorist to help you tackle this problem. Teaching dogs to NOT do something is very hard. So, you need to teach them to DO something else instead. Start off by providing plenty of fresh air, walks, and mental stimulation. It can often help if you enroll your dog in some dog sports such as agility.


Dogs can lick excessively due to allergies. Although this licking is usually directed at their own bodies, they may also lick you to soothe themselves. It is always worth getting them checked out by your vet if you suspect this is the cause. There are special dog allergy foods that can help with some allergies.

How to Deal With Problem Licking

For most owners, a little bit of licking is not a problem and many of us find it an endearing behavior. It is not realistic to expect a dog to stop licking you completely because it is part of their nature. However, if the licking is happening more than you are comfortable with or at a time when it is highly inconvenient, here are a few tips on how to stop it. •Hide food under moveable pieces •BPA, phthalate, PVC free •4 levels of difficulty

Don’t reward it. If you don’t respond with negative or positive attention and simply move away, your dog is likely to give up. Don’t even make eye contact. You may need to move into another room to begin with.Distraction. Give your dog something else to do that they prefer to licking. A chew toy is a great option.Train other behavior. Teach your dog that they can attract your attention with other behavior. This will encourage them to offer a paw or roll over and get an affectionate response from you.Exercise. Dogs love both physical and mental stimulation. They help to reduce stress and prevent the need for self-soothing behavior such as licking.Don’t be a licking target. Try not to be something that dogs like to lick! Have a shower to remove sweat and don’t have particles of food on your face or hands.

This is up to you but you need to be aware that there are risks involved. Dog’s mouths can contain bacteria, viruses and parasites that can all be transmitted to humans. This is a particular problem if your immune system is not working efficiently which can happen in children and in older people and in those who have some chronic health conditions or who are on certain medications. Why do dogs lick some people but not others? The good news is that dogs usually lick the people that they love the most. Perhaps, you give them the most attention or spend most time with them? Or it may be because you exercise a lot and get quite sweaty! Why does my dog lick me after I’ve eaten? Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and will be able to detect the scent of food on your breath and around your mouth. They are hoping to get a tiny morsel themselves!