21 Snakes In Pennsylvania

From the Pocono mountains to the underground caves filled with coal there are many types of snakes that are spread out throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Even the cold winters and snow can’t deter these types of snakes from making Pennsylvania their home:

Northern Ring-Necked Snake

Like many other states Pennsylvania has an abundance of Northern Ring-Necked snakes. The Northern Ring-Necked snake is very small. Most of these snakes are only between 10 and 12 inches long. It’s very common for them to be under a foot long. Although in some areas they can grow to be about a foot and a half long they are usually a little less than a foot long. They are thin and have a dark base color of olive, brown, or black. You can easily identify a Ring-Necked snake by the small size and by the bright colored ring or stripe around the snake’s neck. These snakes thrive in a moist and dark environment. You can find them in grasslands and forests taking up residence in downed trees or under rocks. But you can also find them in more settled areas near people living in garden mulch, piles of leaves, or in sheds, barns, and other outbuildings.

Eastern Milk Snake

The Eastern Milk Snake is another very common snake in Pennsylvania. These snakes are a little bigger than the Ring-Necked snake and tend to average about three feet long. One of the signature features of an Eastern Milk Snake is having wide brown or reddish brown bands edged with black that run the entire length of the snake’s body. Base colors for the Eastern Milk Snake are typically light gray or light brown. Milk snakes prefer to be hidden and stay underground as much as possible. But they have also been known to inhabit barns, sheds, and outbuildings which is one of the reasons why this type of snake has been called the “Farmers Friend”. They eat rodents and small mammals and are harmless to humans.

Northern Water Snake

The Northern Water Snake is the most common aquatic snake in the U.S. and is found in many states across the country including Pennsylvania. Water snakes may be mistaken for a Cottonmouth, but the Water snake is not venomous like the Cottonmouth. If you are not sure if the snake you’re looking at is a Northern Water snake or a Cottonmouth look at the snake’s mouth. A Cottonmouth will have a white patch near the mouth that the Northern Water snake won’t have; conversely, the watersnake has vertical bars around the lips. Northern Water snakes often appear to have bright colors and markings when they are in the water or just out of the water but once their scales dry their colors will look muted.

Northern Black Racer

Racer snakes are the some of the fastest moving snakes. They can move at speeds up to four miles per hour and they will move at max speed to get away from humans. If you surprise a northern black racer it is much more likely to flee from you than act aggressively. And because the snake is so fast there’s not a big chance that you will cross paths with it. However, if you do come across a northern black racer snake don’t corner it or attempt to handle it. Racers tend to be bitier than others when you corner them and they’re quick to bite – even though they’re not venomous it hurts!

Queen Snake

In Pennsylvania Queen snakes are found in many of the rivers and streams that dot the central regions and flow down from the mountains. Queen snakes are semi-aquatic and feed almost exclusively on crayfish. These snakes are only about two feet long as adults and they usually have a dark olive or dull brown color that helps them blend in with the muddy river bottoms it prefers. Queen snakes are harmless to humans but can still give you a fright if you’re kayaking or fishing and come across one. But you have nothing to fear from queensnakes.

Ribbon Snake

Ribbon snakes are semi-aquatic and prefer a wet environment. However, they also live adjacent to the water in forests around lakes and rivers or in marshy areas around the edges of ponds and waterways. These snakes are small and generally just two to three feet long. They have slender bodies that are black or reddish brown. Ribbon snakes also have three long thin yellow stripes that run the entire length of the body. Even though the ribbon snake’s body is dark the belly is white or yellow.

Eastern Smooth Earth Snake

The eastern smooth earth snake is a subspecies only found in southeastern Pennsylvania. This tiny snake prefers to stay underground so it’s not seen very often. These snakes are only about 5 to 10 inches long and their small size combined with their desire to be hidden underground make them almost undetectable. But if you live in southeastern Pennsylvania you may find them in your basement, living under your garden, or hiding out in your yard.

Venomous Snakes In Pennsylvania

Since there are only a few types of venomous snakes in Pennsylvania there is a very low chance that you ever will even see a venomous snake in this state. Your chances of getting bitten by a venomous snake are even lower. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s safe to approach or try to handle any snake. All snakes can bite when they feel threatened or cornered. And you should be especially careful when you do see one of these types of venomous snakes in Pennsylvania:

Timber Rattlesnake

Timber Rattlesnakes live primarily in the mountains and in the forests that border the mountains. They prefer to spend their time on the rocky outcroppings in the mountains or in the forests in the Pennsylvania hills. If you live in or spend time in the Poconos you may come across a Timber Rattlesnake. These snakes can be up to 60 inches long and they are very wide and heavy. The distinctive rattle of this snake will let you know instantly that you’re dealing with a venomous snake. Timber Rattlesnakes tend to have colors that reflect the areas they are in to help them camouflage into their surroundings. Be careful when you are hiking or walking in the mountains because you may cross paths with a Timber Rattlesnake. If you do the best thing to do is freeze in your tracks and then back up slowly.

Northern Copperhead Rattlesnake

Northern Copperhead Rattlesnakes are the most common venomous snake in Pennsylvania. They live in grass fields and clearings across the entire state. Copperhead snakes have a light gray or light tan body and red brown or brown markings. They are only about three feet long but they are wide and heavy like most rattlesnakes.

Eastern Massasauga Snake

The Eastern Massasauga snake is another type of rattlesnake that lives in meadows, prairies, and grasslands. In Pennsylvania you can find these venomous snakes living in the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Lawrence, Mercer and Venango. The smallest Eastern Massasauga snakes are just about 18 inches long and the longest are only about 40 inches long so this is not a large snake. But it does have deadly venom so you should always be careful if you see one.

A Complete List Of Snakes In Pennsylvania

No matter where you are in Pennsylvania there are snakes nearby. Even if you don’t live in one of the limited areas where venomous snakes like to live there are snake all over. The complete list of snakes you may find in Pennsylvania is:

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The 3 common venomous snakes you will find in Pennsylvania are the Timber Rattlesnake, Northern Copperhead Rattlesnake and the Eastern Massasauga snake. Why is the Eastern Smooth Snake so hard to find in Pennsylvania? The Eastern Smooth Earth snake is only found in southeastern Pennsylvania. This tiny snake prefers to stay underground so it not often seen. What snake is often confused with the venomous Cottonmouth? The Northern Water Snake is often confused with the venomous Cottonmouth.