17 Snakes in South Dakota

South Dakota has 17 different kinds of snakes that live in the state, but only one of those types of snakes is venomous. It should be a relief that you can hike, fish, and explore the natural world in South Dakota without having to worry about coning across many different kids of venomous snakes. Among the non-venomous snakes in South Dakota the ones that you come across include:

Brown Snake

Brown snakes thrive in South Dakota because they are one of the types of snakes that are able to survive the brutal South Dakota winters. Small brown snakes can live in almost habitat on land. They can even do very well in urban or suburban environments, which means that you may find these snakes in your garages, outbuildings, basements, or in various areas around your property. Brown snakes are totally harmless to humans and don’t grow larger than two feet. So if you see a Brown snake you don’t need to worry. Leave it alone and it will leave you alone.

Common Garter Snake

Similar to a Brown snake the Common Garter Snake can make a home just about anywhere. Garter snakes are the most common snakes throughout the country. South Dakota is no different.  They are small snakes. A typical Garter snake is only about a foot long to about three feet long. Three feet is the maximum length for a Garter snake.  Common Garter snakes can be found in all parts of South Dakota from the famous Black Hills to the Badlands and in all of the prairies and grasslands in between.

Fox Snake

Fox snakes are one of the larger types of snakes that you will find in South Dakota. They only live in the very southeastern part of the state. In South Dakota Fox snakes average between three feet and five feet. Fox snakes are a type of Rat snake but they have different coloring from a Rat snake. Most Fox snakes have a light brown or tan body with marking in either a dark brown or black. They have heavier bodies than other types of South Dakota snakes but they are not as heavy-bodied as a rattlesnake.

Blue Racer Snake

As you may have guessed from the name Blue Racers are very fast snakes. If there’s a Blue Racer near you chances are good it won’t be there for very long. It will be gone in the blink of an eye. Typically these snakes can move up to a maximum speed of four miles per hour.  Blue Racer snakes are very shy around people and prefer to flee from humans rather than risk a confrontation. And since they are very fast they can get away before you even realize that you’re face to face with one. They are typically very thin and about average length. The color of a Blue Racer can vary from a dark gray blue to a light vivid blue.

Northern Red Belly Snake

Northern Red Belly snakes are not very common in South Dakota. They do have a wide variety of habitats including forests and field but in South Dakota you will only find Red Belly snakes in the very eastern corner of the state. You can tell if a snake is a Red Belly snake instantly because will have a bright red or red orange belly and the rest of the body will be dark brown or black. They are also very small and are typically only about a foot long. If you’re hiking, walking, or biking in the forest you may see a Red Belly snake near the path. You also may find them in your mulch or landscaping if you live in a suburban area that is near a forest.

Northern Water Snake

Unless you are living in or visiting the very furthest southeast corner of South Dakota you will probably never see a Northern Water snake in the state. They only live in a tiny geographical area in the southeast and they are not very common even there. But you should be aware of the Northern Water snake because it looks like a Cottonmouth snake. If you see it you may immediately freeze thinking that you’ve stumbled into a very dangerous situation but you can relax. There are no Cottonmouths in South Dakota at all, just Northern Water snakes. Like Cottonmouth snakes these snakes have a brown, gray, or olive body with brown or black markings but they do not have the triangular head that a rattlesnake has.

Venomous Snakes In South Dakota

There is only one type of venomous snake in South Dakota that you should be on the lookout for. That’s the Prairie Rattlesnake. The Prairie Rattlesnake is a common venomous snake in the West. They live in many states.

Prairie Rattlesnake

The Prairie Rattlesnake is not a large snake. Typically it’s only about five feet long. However this snake is very wide and thick-bodied so that it can eat larger prey. Prairie Rattlesnake colors change according to where they live. Their colors are different to help them blend into their habitat. Because of that desert dwelling Prairie rattlesnakes will be light colored with only slightly darker markings. But a Prairie rattlesnake in a more forest heavy habitat will have a darker body color and markings that will help hide it from view. There are not a lot of Prairie Rattlesnakes in South Dakota so it’s unlikely that you will ever come across one. But if you do happen to surprise one on a trail as you’re hiking or biking or you cross paths with one the most important thing to remember is not to panic. The snake will most likely coil itself up and rattle at you and maybe hiss as well to warn you to leave. Take that warning and get back, slowly. Retrace your steps and back away from the snake with slow and deliberate movements and you should be fine.

A Complete List Of Snakes In South Dakota 

All but one of the 17 snakes in South Dakota are harmless, so you really shouldn’t worry too much about seeing snakes in the wild when you’re enjoying the beautiful but rugged terrain in South Dakota. The full list of snakes that you might see in South Dakota is:     

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All but one of the snakes in South Dakota are harmless, so you really shouldn’t worry too much about seeing snakes in the wild when you’re enjoying the beautiful but rugged terrain in South Dakota. The Prairie Rattlesnake is venomous but are rare to see. What makes it hard for most snakes to survive in all parts of South Dakota? South Dakota has brutal winters and there are only a handful of snakes who are able to survive it. The Brown Snake is one example. How fast can a Blue Racer snake travel? A Blue Racer snake travels at 4 mph.