How Deadly are Venomous Snakes?

While deaths from snakebites are very low in the United States, worldwide it is an enormous health issue. According to the World Health Organization there are between 81,410 and 137,880 deaths each year from venomous snake bites. Knowing what kind of snakes are hemotoxic and neurotoxic can help medical officials work quickly to administer the right antivenom when available.

What Kind of Snakes are Hemotoxic vs Neurotoxic?

Hemotoxic: Vipers (copperheads, cottonmouths, rattlesnakes)Neurotoxic: Elapids (cobras, mambas, kraits, sea snakes, coral snakes)

What are 10 Snakes with Hemotoxic Venom?

1. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

The Eastern diamondback rattlesnake is the largest venomous snake in the world. The largest ones can get to be 8 feet long and weigh close to 10 pounds. Eastern diamondbacks do live in the U.S. and they are responsible for the most deaths in the country. There are only an average of 5 snakebite related deaths in the U.S. each year. The Western diamondback is another hemotoxic snake that is also responsible for deaths in the U.S.

2. Timber Rattlesnake

The timber rattlesnake is the most common venomous snake in the U.S. Timber rattlers (also called canebrakes) are 3-7 feet long and a thick bodied snake. As a rattlesnake, they have a rattle at the end of their tail that they will rattle to warn a predator. They can raise their bodies up and strike quickly with their venomous fangs, injecting their victim with hemotoxic venom that takes effect immediately. Medical attention should be sought as soon as possible if you are bitten by any venomous snake.

3. Massasauga

Massasauga is another type of rattlesnake that can be found in the United States, southern Canada and Mexico. They are smaller than timber and diamondback rattlesnakes and less aggressive. They prefer to remain hidden if approached by a predator and to rely on their camouflage. If they are provoked though, they will strike quickly and have a venomous bite.

3. Cottonmouth

The thought of a snake brushing up against you while you are relaxing on a floaty at the beach is unnerving, but there are all kinds of water snakes and some of them are venomous. The cottonmouth (or water moccasin) is a highly venomous snake with hemotoxic venom. They are a good-sized snake, typically 2-4 feet long and heavy-bodied, some have been measured at 6 feet! Although they will bite if provoked, they release less venom when they are acting in defense than if they were trying to kill their dinner. Cottonmouth snakes are found in the southeastern part of the U.S, typically in wetlands or waterways.

4. Copperhead

Copperheads are pit vipers that have a rusty-copper colored head, thus their name. They are a smaller snake at 2-3 feet and medium-thick. Although they deliver the most venomous bites of any snake in the U.S. they are not the deadliest because their venom is just not that strong. They live in a band across the southeastern U.S. but not as far south as Florida.

5. Sidewinder

These unique looking snakes are sometimes called “horned rattlesnakes” due to the two horns on the top of their head. They are called sidewinders because they move sideways through the sand in an “S” shape. These desert snakes can be found in the southwestern U. S. in states like California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Colorado. They are a smaller snake with an average length of 1 ½ – 2 ½ feet. As a rattlesnake they are one of the snakes with hemotoxic venom.

6. Bushmaster

The Bushmaster is not native to the United States. It lives in Central and South America in the tropical rainforests. The biggest problem with Bushmasters is they strike multiple times and inject a lot of venom with each bite. Their fangs are some of the longest of all venomous snakes with some being not quite as long as the gaboon vipers of 2 inches. They are also a large snake that can get to be nearly 8 feet long.

7. Fer-de-lance

The fer-de-lance has venom that is very similar to the bushmaster. They also have a pretty impressive set of fangs. Fer-de-lance means “spear head” in French, which describes the snakes head that comes to a point at the nose. They live in Mexico, Central America and South America. The problem with fer-de-lance is they have a reputation of being an aggressive snake that is not afraid to bite. It is more deadly than the Eastern diamondback, making it the deadliest snake in the Americas.

8. Puff Adder

Puff adders are one of the most dangerous snakes in Africa. They can puff up their bodies and especially their heads to make themselves look bigger. For a snake that is already 3-5 feet it can look quite intimidating. They are tan with dark brown markings and cat-like eyes with vertical slits. One of the issues with Puff adders is they like to hang out next to common walking paths used by barefoot villagers. This is a recipe for snake bites.

9. Russel’s Viper

One of the problematic snakes that have hemotoxic venom in India is the Russel’s viper. It is said to have “enough venom to kill 22 humans”! One statistic puts 40 mg of venom the lethal limit for humans, but the Russel’s viper is capable of injecting 275 mg! Another disturbing characteristic is they will sometimes bite and hold on vs. delivery a quick bite and getting away. Definitely a dangerous snake.

10. Saw-Scaled Viper

The saw-scaled viper is considered one of the deadliest snakes in the world. It is responsible for the most deaths in the world. Considering that it’s a common snake in India, where there can be limited access to medical facilities and large population of people living in rural areas, the numbers add up. The saw-scaled viper is also an aggressive snake that strikes fast and multiple times. Despite the frequency of bites, it is only fatal in about 10% of the cases. By far one of the most dangerous snakes that has hemotoxic venom!

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